Is My Lace Wig Too Big? Here’s How to Find the Perfect Fit

Is My Lace Wig Too Big? Here’s How to Find the Perfect Fit

Let's face it, queen—nothing is more uncomfortable than a wig that doesn't fit properly. Getting the perfect fit can sometimes feel like a struggle, whether your wig is sliding around or feels like it's swallowing your entire head. But don’t worry, we got you.

In this blog, we’re going to break down how to figure out if your lace wig is too big (or small) and share some straightforward tips to get that perfect, secure fit. And of course, we’ll let you in on how the GoGlueless System by TruConnoisseur Solutions is here to help you keep your wig on lock. No more wig drama!

1. Does Your Wig Feel Too Big?

You are familiar with the sensation of being out and about, living your best life, when all of a sudden, you realize that you are spending more time adjusting your wig than you are enjoying the moment. That’s a sign your wig might be too big. If your lace wig is moving every time you blink or it’s just not sitting flush on your head, it’s time to take a closer look at the fit.

Here’s how to tell if your wig is too big:

  • Shifting or sliding: If your wig doesn’t stay put and you feel it sliding around, it’s likely too big.
  • Excess room at the crown or sides: If you’ve got extra space at the top or sides, that’s another sign the wig is too large for your head.
  • If the wig cap covers your ears or feels too loose in that area, you might need to size it down.

2. How to Measure Your Head for the Right Wig Size

Getting the perfect fit starts with knowing your head size. If you’ve been guessing your wig size, it’s time to grab a measuring tape and get those numbers right.

To measure your head accurately, follow these steps:

Step 1: Measure Around Your Head

Using a flexible measuring tape, measure around the perimeter of your head. Start at your front hairline, go down behind your ear, across the nape of your neck, and back around the other side to your front hairline.

Step 2: Measure Ear to Ear

Measure from the top of one ear, over the crown of your head, to the top of the other ear. This gives you a decent idea of the width you need for your wig.

Step 3: Measure Front to Nape

Finally, measure from your front hairline (forehead) straight back to the nape of your neck. This is the length your wig needs to comfortably cover.

Once you have your measurements, compare them to the sizing chart for the wig you’re looking to buy. Most wigs come in small, medium, or large, but make sure to check the brand's specific sizing details.

3. What to Do if Your Wig is Too Big or Small

Okay, so you have taken your head measurement and have determined that your wig does not quite fit properly. Do not be concerned! There are a few simple tricks to get that perfect fit, whether your wig’s a little too loose or too tight.

Adjusting a Wig That’s Too Big

  • Use Adjustable Straps: Many wigs come with adjustable straps inside the cap. Use them to tighten the fit, bringing it closer to your head.
  • Sew in Wig Clips or Combs: Adding clips or combs inside the wig can give it extra grip and help it stay in place.
  • Wear a Wig Cap: A wig cap can add a layer of snugness and make your wig fit more securely without shifting.

Adjusting a Wig That’s Too Small

  • Stretch the Wig Cap: Carefully stretch the wig cap by pulling on it a little bit before you wear it, or let it sit on a wig head for a while to loosen it up.
  • Trim the Lace: If the lace is tight around your hairline, trim it down carefully to relieve the tension.
  • Consider Custom Wigs: If you find that most wigs are too small, investing in a custom-made wig could be your best option for the perfect fit.

4. Use the GoGlueless System for a Secure Fit

Nothing compares to the GoGlueless Lace in Place System for keeping your wig secure. The design of this system ensures a firm, secure hold without the need for adhesives. That means no glue, no stress—just a flawless wig that stays in place all day. 

The System offers a natural-looking lace wig that fits snugly and comfortably, leaving no mess or sticky residue behind. Whether you're constantly on the go or simply seeking additional security, GoGlueless has your back.


Whether your wig is too big or too small, you now have the tools to find the perfect fit. From measuring your head to making small adjustments, there’s no reason to settle for a wig that’s uncomfortable or difficult to manage.

Once you've achieved the perfect fit, don't forget to combine it with the GoGlueless Lace in Place System for the most secure hold—all without the need for glue! You'll be confidently slaying with your wig in place.

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